Tim Cooks public apology to Apples (AAPL) Chinese customers was being quoted at length Tuesday in the very print and broadcast media that for a fortnight had been ripping the company apart for its greed, dishonesty and unparalleled arrogance.过去两周以来,国内的平面媒体和广播媒体都对苹果公司(Apple)展开了反感的批评,指责它自私、不诚实和“无与伦比的刻薄”;周二,这些媒体用大量篇幅提到了苹果CEO蒂姆?库克向中国消费者收到的公开发表道歉信。The companys apology letter has eased the situation, softening the tense relationship between Apple and the Chinese market, wrote theGlobal Times. Its reaction is worth respect compared with other American companies.《环球时报》(the Global Times)发表文章认为,“苹果公司的道歉信让局势获得了减轻,使苹果与中国市场的紧绷关系有所改善。
在这一点上,苹果公司比有些美国公司更加值得尊重。”The Foreign Ministry praised Apple for conscientiously responding to consumers demands, according to Reuters. We approve of what Apple said, spokesman Hong Lei told reporters at his daily news briefing.路透社(Reuters)报导称之为,中国外交部(The Foreign Ministry)对苹果“严肃”对此消费者的市场需求回应称赞。外交部发言人洪磊在例会记者会上称:“我们接纳苹果公司的致歉”。There were plenty of critics Monday who said Cooks letter and the changes he made in Apples repair policies in China were a big mistake. Steve Jobs, they said, would never have apologized for customer service that, as most of Apples customers in China know, is second to none.但是,许多抨击人士认为,库克的道歉信和对苹果在华修理政策的调整是相当严重的错误。
他们指出,如果史蒂夫?乔布斯在世,他意味著会因为售后服务致歉,因为苹果的大多数中国消费者告诉,苹果的售后服务是首屈一指的。But Jobs never set foot in China. Cook, on the other hand, built Apples Asian supply chain, and he knows something about navigating the complexities of official relations in the Far East.但是,乔布斯从未来过中国。
而库克打造出了苹果在亚洲的供应链,对于如何处置远东地区简单的月关系,他心里更加有数。It wont cost the company very much to repair broken iPhones with new parts or extend their warranties -- basically giving Chinas state-run media everything they asked for.替换问题iPhone手机部件,或者缩短保修期,并会花费苹果过于多资金,这么做到主要是为了符合中国国家媒体。It cost Cook nothing sincerely apologize and to say, as he did in his letter:“真诚地致歉”以及道歉信中的措辞(如下文),并会让库克有所损失:We recognize that we have much to learn about operating and communicating in China, but we want to assure everyone that we bring the same deep commitment and passion to China as we do to any other part of the world. This commitment, a desire to delight all of our customers and provide them with an extremely high-quality experience, is deeply rooted in the culture of our company. And we will not rest until we achieve this goal.“我们意识到,关于在华运营和交流工作,还有许多必须我们自学的地方。
”That kind of language can save a lot of face, on both sides of the Pacific.这种措辞能让双方都很大地保有了颜面。